Sunday 26 April 2015

The Spirit

Soul Café

The Spirit

“But with the human soul, there is no decline. Its only movement is towards perfection; growth and progress alone constitute the motion of the soul.”

"Dost thou reckon thyself only a puny form when within thee the universe is folded?"

“According to the great ancient philosophers the words soul, mind and spirit implied the underlying principles of life; the essence was expressed under different names and these three terms designated the various functions of the absolute reality, or the operations of the one single essence; for instance, when they dealt with the sensations of emotion they called it the soul; when they desired to express that power which discovers the reality of phenomena they gave it the appellation of mind and when they discussed the consciousness which pervades the world of creation they gave it the title of spirit.”

“There is a desire deep within the soul which drives man from the seen to the unseen, to philosophy and to the divine.”

“If the soul identifies itself with the material world it remains dark, for in the natural world there is corruption, aggression, struggles for existence, greed, darkness, transgression and vice.  If the soul remains in this station and moves along these paths it will be the recipient of this darkness; but if it becomes the recipient of the graces of the world of mind, its darkness will be transformed into light, its tyranny into justice, its ignorance into wisdom, its aggression into loving kindness; until it reach the apex. Then there will not remain any struggle for existence. Man will become free from egotism; he will be released from the material world; he will become the personification of justice and virtue, for a sanctified soul illumines humanity and is an honor to mankind, conferring life upon the children of men and suffering all nations to attain to the station of perfect unity. Therefore, we can apply the name "holy soul" to such a one.”

“Man—the true man—is soul, not body; though physically man belongs to the animal kingdom, yet his soul lifts him above the rest of creation. Behold how the light of the sun illuminates the world of matter: even so doth the Divine Light shed its rays in the kingdom of the soul. The soul it is which makes the human creature a celestial entity!”

 And a man said, "Speak to us of Self-Knowledge."
      And he answered, saying:
      Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights.
      But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge.
      You would know in words that which you have always know in thought.
      You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams.
      And it is well you should.
      The hidden well-spring of your soul must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea;
      And the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes.
      But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure;
      And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line.
      For self is a sea boundless and measureless.
      Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth."
      Say not, "I have found the path of the soul." Say rather, "I have met the soul walking upon my path."
      For the soul walks upon all paths.
      The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.
      The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.

“Verily I say, the human soul is, in its essence, one of the signs of God, a mystery among His mysteries. It is one of the mighty signs of the Almighty, the harbinger that proclaimeth the reality of all the worlds of God. Within it lieth concealed that which the world is now utterly incapable of apprehending. “

“The soul is not a combination of elements, it is not composed of many atoms, it is of one indivisible substance and therefore eternal. It is entirely out of the order of the physical creation; it is immortal!”

 “…in man there is a reality which is not the physical body….This other and inner reality is called the heavenly body, the ethereal form which corresponds to this body. This is the conscious reality which discovers the inner meaning of things….The inner ethereal reality grasps the mysteries of existence, discovers scientific truths and indicates their technical application….It is the inner reality which comprehends things, throws light upon the mysteries of life and being, discovers the heavenly Kingdom, unseals the mysteries of God and differentiates man from the brute.”

“The soul, like the intellect, is an abstraction. Intelligence does not partake of the quality of space, though it is related to man’s brain. The intellect resides there, but not materially. Search in the brain you will not find the intellect. In the same way though the soul is the resident of the body, it is not to be found in the body.”

“Consider how the human intellect develops and weakens, and may at times come to naught, whereas the soul changeth not. For the mind to manifest itself, the human body must be whole; and a sound mind cannot be but in a sound body, whereas the soul dependeth not upon the body. It is through the power of the soul that the mind comprehendeth, imagineth and exerteth its influence, whilst the soul is a power that is free.”

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