Thursday 5 November 2015

Some of Life's 
Big Questions

  1. Where do you go to find inspiration?
  2. What do you value most highly in others?
  3. In what way are the eyes a window on the soul?
  4. What is the difference between wisdom and knowledge?
  5. In what way are we made in God's image?
  6. In what way might the tongue be a lodestone to the heart?
  7. What makes a house a home?
  8. Are we naturally inclined towards evil?
  9. What would life be like without suffering?
  10. How do we attain ultimate happiness?
  11. How can we understand the personal process of another person?
  12. "It is in dying that we are born…" - How does that work?
  13. Is there a purpose to hopelessness and despair?
  14. What are some of the dangers that all religions potentially face?
  15. How do you convey strength of your message without imposing?
  16. How can I know and fulfill my life's mission?
  17. What is the purpose of devotion?
  18. Does God need devotion?
  19. Why do I resist what is good for me?
  20. What is true consciousness expansion?
  21. What is universal knowledge?
  22. What is love?
  23. What does it take to be one with God?
  24. "Leave thyself behind, and then approach Me." - How do we leave the self behind?

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