Soul…..spirit soul!
Do you hear me?
As I lay bare all that taunts and haunts me
as I wrestle with earthly tests
seemingly of Everest proportion
unrelenting cacophony!
Will you lift me from the deepest valleys
that I might summit highest peaks
amidst lofty clouds, constellations, infinity?
Freed from shackles of self
you speak to me through silence beyond silence
that I might know authentic self
know that I am not alone
that no earthly threat can obliterate my true essence
for I too am stardust!
I too am one with the light that is the source of all light!
No more need I cling hold this material realm
for not destination, only the path!
The journey may have its trials,
just as the finest web withstands the fiercest gales
still sees a new dawn sparkles in sunlit dew.
I too will transcend this mortal frame
….and just maybe sparkle a little too!
Copyright – Geraldine Norris